[fpga-miniconf] Anyone have photos + thoughts on FPGA Miniconf?

Tim 'mithro' Ansell me at mith.ro
Sat Feb 10 02:45:26 AEDT 2018

Hi everyone!

If you have any photos or thoughts (hopefully positive?) on the FPGA
Miniconf, can you send them my way?

Digilent are going to do a blog post about the event and are looking for
images and quotes.

As Digilent's blog has a large reach to both FPGA professionals and people
in the academic space (including a huge number of students who have to use
Digilent's hardware as part of their course work) it would be good to
advertise LiteX and the litex-buildenv.

With TimVideos applying to Google Summer of Code and hoping to get students
to work on LiteX and/or litex-buildenv it would be awesome to put our best
foot forward with this advertisement opportunity.

Hope you are all doing cool things with your FPGA hardware, thank you!

Tim 'mithro' Ansell
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