[lca2018-chat] Join the Matrix at #lca2018

martin f krafft madduck at madduck.net
Tue Jan 30 14:09:09 AEDT 2018

Dear post-conferencers,

Having been among the folks evangelised Matrix/Riot all week during
LCA2018, there's a piece of news too good to share, namely that
after many months of negotiations, the folks bringing us Matrix/Riot
have finally secured a sizeable round of funding ($5m) from a future


Specifically, I want to point out that these funds will enable the
team to prioritise usability, and hopefully make the Riot app and
other parts of Matrix more accessible to everyone, as well as push
some of the awesome features that make Matrix stand out so much.

Please do feel free to reach out at any time to let me know what
keeps you from using Matrix, or what you'd like to see improved!
… unless of course you want to head on over directly to
https://github.com/matrix-org/ and https://github.com/vector-im/.

It's been startling to see how much we all use walled gardens and
closed tools to get our work done and keep in touch during the
conference. It goes without saying that we all lead busy lives and
pragmatism often has to prevail over idealism, but if it's not the
likes of us FREEDOM LOVERS improving and pushing for more use of the
Free alternatives, then who else will??

Looking forward to your Riot install, Matrix registrating, and your
joining of #linux.conf.au:matrix.org. You can do all of that through
the spiffy web-based client too:



@martinkrafft | http://madduck.net/
government announcement - the government announced today that it is
changing its mascot to a condom because it more clearly reflects the
government's political stance. a condom stands up to inflation, halts
production, destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of pricks
and finally, gives you a sense of security while you're being screwed!
spamtraps: madduck.bogus at madduck.net
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