[lca2018-chat] Join the Matrix at #lca2018

martin f krafft madduck at madduck.net
Wed Jan 24 12:17:40 AEDT 2018

Dear conferencers,

The LCA hallway track is legendary, and it's augmented by the
#linux.conf.au IRC channel on Freenode.

Matrix is a modern messaging platform with many good things going
for it. One of the best aspects is the concept of bridges designed
to interconnect with other ecosystems.

So we set one up for IRC last year, and it's working great. As of
right now, 77 Matrix users join the 144 users on IRC. The beauty is
that as a user of Matrix, you can now interact with our IRC channel
(or any other channel, really) using Riot, a client that works much
better on mobile than IRC. Plus it's easy to exchange media,
video-conference, comes with widgets such as Etherpad integrated in
rooms, etc.…

If this piques your interest, install the Riot app, get yourself an
account and join #linux.conf.au:matrix.org. There is also
a web-based client, and you can use that in addition, for all will
be synced with each other.


There's also #lca-matrix:matrix.org for all your meta-chat needs
about our use of Matrix. Or find me any time for more evangelism.

@martinkrafft | http://madduck.net/
"if confronted with a choice between all the truth in god's right hand
 and the ever live struggle for truth, coupled with eternal error, in
 god's left, i would choose the left."
                                                 -- gotthold lessing
spamtraps: madduck.bogus at madduck.net
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