[lca2018-chat] Unprofessional Delegates Networking Session (UnPDNS) Thursday

Christopher Neugebauer chrisjrn at chrisjrn.com
Tue Jan 23 16:24:50 AEDT 2018

Hello LCA People!

While the people with the expensive seats are at the Professional
Delegates Networking Session on Thursday evening, we'll be holding a
session for Unprofessional delegates (that's students, hobbyists, and
holders of any other badge who want to come along)

Where: Underground bar at UTS (in the tower building)
When: Thursday, from 6pm

Some food has generously been sponsored! Hooray!

If you want to attend, please put your name on the attendee list on
the wiki, which you can find at

The earlier you get your name on the list, the more food we can order,
so register early, and register often!

Because we're at a bar, this won't be a BYO event.  If you're in a
position to help pitch in along with our generous sponsors, you can
help us to keep the prices down. Surplus funds will be donated to Code
Club Australia.

Happy conferencing!

--Chris Neugebauer & Martin Krafft

--Christopher Neugebauer

Jabber: chrisjrn at gmail.com -- IRC: chrisjrn on irc.freenode.net --
WWW: http://chrisjrn.com -- Twitter: @chrisjrn

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