[lca2018-chat] Lca Irc slack bridge

martin f krafft madduck at madduck.net
Thu Jan 18 21:00:18 AEDT 2018


the Matrix/IRC bridge continues to be up, and it's working fine for
people. I don't know anything about the Slack side of things, nor do
I particularly care, but if someone deems it necessary to have
a Slack channel, feel free to get in touch and I'll link it via
Matrix, which worked well last year — for the 13 people that used it
(compared to 105 Matrix users, and 153 on IRC)…

As others have said, it'd be fantastic to see more people join the
Matrix universe. During last year's LCA, almost a hundred people
signed up, so let's beat that this year!

There's a number of clients:

  - "Riot" in the app stores
  - https://riot.im/app (or you can run your own riot-web instance)
  - A desktop web container app: https://riot.im/desktop.html
  - matrix-ircd, and plenty others: https://matrix.org/docs/projects/try-matrix-now.html#clients

All these will allow you to quickly make an account. Do note that
you'll be asked for e-mail address and phone number, but those are
gathered only to facilitate others finding you, and you can just
skip entering those data.

Once online, join #linux.conf.au:matrix.org, or, if you are
interested in this stuff on a meta-level, #lca-matrix:matrix.org.

Yes, there are still some features Slack provides which Riot
doesn't, but those are being worked on. It's Free software, so it's
unstoppable. And in the end, you get state-of-the-art tech with
federation, the choice of clients, plenty of cool integrations, and
features that Slack won't ever see.

Finally, if you want to know a bit more, I delivered a lightning
talk on Matrix last year:


and I'll be happy to chat about this on site. I've also registered
a BoF on decentralisation for Friday lunch:

See you next week,

@martinkrafft | http://madduck.net/
"verbing weirds language."
                                                           -- calvin
spamtraps: madduck.bogus at madduck.net
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