[lca2018-chat] Lca Irc slack bridge

James Polley jamezpolley at gmail.com
Tue Jan 16 22:55:29 AEDT 2018

Speaking as an attendee, I would really strongly prefer that nobody did

When it's happened, it's fractured the conversation between IRC and Slack.
Last time I saw this done, there were several bots copying logs back and
forth but it was impossible to have a conversation that spanned both
platforms. I hated it and I'd be really annoyed if it happened again.

I know slack has worked very well for some other conferences (eg, PyCon-AU)
- but in those places, Slack is the primary comms channel, and the
conversation is unified in that one place and that's great. LCA's primary
comms channel is IRC and email, and I don't like what happens when we
fracture the public conversation into closed proprietary invite-only silos.

That said - I haven't seen that kind of slack<->IRC bridge for a few years;
perhaps they've improved now and wont' fracture the conversation the same

Last year, we had some wonderful attendees who set up an IRC<->Matrix
gateway, and a Slack<->Matrix gateway, and that seemed to work reasonably
well - as far as i could tell, there was just one conversation-space that
spanned IRC+Matrix+Slack reasonably well. The IRC<->Matrix part of that
still seems to be going, but I have no idea about the Slack side of it.

If you're suggesting slack because you want that unified-across-devices
push-notification multiple-conversation-with-easy-sub-channels
rich-text-and-emoji-and-anigif-laden feel, I'd strongly suggest you come
join us in https://riot.im/app/#/room/#linux.conf.au:matrix.org rather than
trying to set up a slack<->IRC bridge.

On Tue, Jan 16, 2018 at 9:02 PM, Luke John <email at lukejohn.me> wrote:

> Hey All,
> Just wondering if someone has already setup a public Irc -> Slack bridge?
> Cheers,
> Luke
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