[lca2018-chat] Font used to render badge?

Shyam Nath shyam at shyam.id.au
Wed Jan 17 17:38:02 AEDT 2018

🖖 Hello World,

I would like monospace; there is a monospace unicode font... (It's supported where ever unicode is.)

Copy & paste this text into any text editor, or even the address bar.

𝙷𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚘 Hello

And is it possible to move the two parallelograms over to right? I would like my recursive acronym in all its' glory.


Where/How do I edit mybadge.png? Does it support "\n"?

Migrating Infestive Bugs !!

---- On Wed, 17 Jan 2018 13:08:32 +1100 James Polley <jamezpolley at gmail.com> wrote ----

In the middle of doing other things, I threw together a really basic little test environment for anyone who wants to play with the badge rendering - either by playing with the badge template, or by finding a more better way to render the SVG into a something we can use for a preview without relying on the fonts available on someone's desktop.

You can check it out at https://gitlab.com/LCA2018/rendertest

If you're comfortable with Docker, you should be able to use the "make_badge.sh" script to turn the SVG in the repo into a PDF.

If you're not so comfortable with Docker, you should be able to send a merge request, and Gitlab's CI should generate a PDF for you.

On Tue, Jan 16, 2018 at 2:07 PM, paul <paul at zot.org> wrote:

Throwing more "gah, more stuff to care about" on the fire, I tried to enter some Chinese characters on the 'free text' line in the account info - they showed up fine in the browser (debian/firefox), but in the preview image they were the unicode placeholder boxes (no chinese chars at all). Presumably the fonts are missing from the server generating the preview image, but I have no idea if this would affect the actual printed tickets.

It's not a major issue for me, just a bit of fun, but just something to be aware of.



On 08/01/18 23:04, James Polley wrote:

On Mon, Jan 8, 2018 at 6:28 PM, Daniel Sobey <dns at dns.id.au> wrote:


Hello List, 

Just wondering what font will be used to render the conference badges.

I can see in the preview that that some emoji do work but when I try and enter the flag for Australia it does not render.

That's a really good question, I'm open to suggestions. Hoping to have this nailed down next weekend.

Even if it does render, the printing is going to be black-and-white, so the flag isn't going to be particularly noticeably Australian anyway. 

For now, https://rego.linux.conf.au/tickets/mybadge.png probably gives you the best idea about what would come out of we printed it today, but I hope to improve that if I can figure out how to improve the rendering.

Suggestions (and patches) welcome. 


Are you planning on supporting emoji, font awesome, material icons on badges?

If so what font should we use to preview the badges.




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