[lca2018-chat] Android Scheduler / app for LinuxConf ?

Wilmer van der Gaast wilmer at gaast.net
Wed Jan 17 15:23:42 AEDT 2018

Paul Foxworthy (paul at cohsoft.com.au) wrote:
> The app is Giggity:
> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.gaast.giggity
> https://github.com/Wilm0r/giggity
HEh, thanks for posting this before I could get to it :-)

THe .ics URL from last year does seem to now contain this year's
schedule, so that's great. It's still listed in the initial menu, even.

I kinda intend to spend some time writing a scraper and generate a more
proper Pentabarf/FRab-style XML file with better metadata and other
advantages like not sentence-length room names, the rooms being in
the same order every day, etc.

(If anybody has access to the original schedule data in a better format
than HTML I'd love to get a copy by the way. Writing HTML scrapers is
not my favourite of things.)

Wilmer v/d Gaast.

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