[fpga-miniconf] Timetable for FPGA Miniconf - Please read!

Tim 'mithro' Ansell me at mith.ro
Thu Jan 18 16:44:08 AEDT 2018

Hello everyone,

Due to the amount of content to get through at the FPGA Miniconf, we will
be running on a modified schedule (including changes to lunch + breaks).
You should also expect to be at the FPGA Miniconf for the whole day and to
have no time to do anything else!

Unlike the rest of the conference, lunch *will* be provided for FPGA
Miniconf attendees. There will be a presentation during lunch.

We also plan to have a self funded social dinner on the evening of the FPGA

 9:00 am -> 10:10 am -- Linux.conf.au Keynote
10:10 am -> 10:15 am -- Move from Keynote venue to FPGA Miniconf venue

      10:15 am       -- Miniconf Start! (No time for morning tea)

10:15 am ->  5:25 pm -- FPGA Miniconf (lunch provided)

       5:25 pm       -- Miniconf Finished

 5:25 pm ->  7:30 pm -- Extra Hacking time

 7:30 pm ->  9:30 pm -- Social Dinner for FPGA hackers

If you have any questions, please respond to this email!

Tim 'mithro' Ansell
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