[lca2018-chat] Is anyone seeing my posts? (I'm not, although I asked to)

Simon Lyall simon at darkmere.gen.nz
Sat Jan 20 12:57:11 AEDT 2018

On Sat, 20 Jan 2018, Duncan Roe wrote:
> Please reply if you see this and there aren't replies already,

Looks like your post got held up for exactly an hour in the LCA mail 

It is pretty common for the emails to take a while on this list. I 
also think there is some moderation of new posters than means sometimes 
emails have to be manually approved (which can delay them hours). Even 
for regular posters a 30 minute delay is common.

Rule of thumb: 99% of emails take <2 minutes, the other 1% take "longer"

Simon Lyall  |  Very Busy  |  Web: http://www.simonlyall.com/
"To stay awake all night adds a day to your life" - Stilgar

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