[lca2018-chat] The Developers Developers Miniconf wants your lightning talks!

Christopher Neugebauer chrisjrn at chrisjrn.com
Fri Jan 19 03:00:57 AEDT 2018


The Developers Developers Miniconf -- which is happening on Monday as
part of LCA -- is looking for Lightning Talks! They're being held from
16:40 onwards.

# What's a lightning talk?

Lightning talks are 5-minute long talks, and are a great opportunity
to share something interesting that you know with an audience. They're
a great opportunity to try out conference speaking without the
pressure of making a much longer talk. Usually they're presented with
slides or other visual tools.

# What topics?

Our audience is people who write code, or contribute in any other way
to making software. Our miniconf is about making the people who make
software better at making software [0].

So, if you've got a talk about programming, or documentation, or tools
you use to make software, then you're on-topic.

# Signing up

Sign up on the day. Talking slots are available first come, first served.

See you Monday!

Your friendly former LCA organiser.

[0] Basically, our talks develop developers [1].
[1] No chair throwing.

--Christopher Neugebauer

Jabber: chrisjrn at gmail.com -- IRC: chrisjrn on irc.freenode.net --
WWW: http://chrisjrn.com -- Twitter: @chrisjrn

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