[lca2018-chat] Open Hardware Miniconf registrations

Ewen McNeill lca2018 at ewen.mcneill.gen.nz
Wed Jan 17 10:55:57 AEDT 2018

On 17/01/18 09:18, Steven Sykes wrote:
> Is there an indication as to when we learn if we've made the cut for the 
> assembly workshop? I'm wondering whether or not I bother packing my 
> soldering iron etc as I leave for Sydney tomorrow afternoon.

There was an email sent out on the 14th (Sunday evening) titled:

Registration for the LoliBot build session at Open Hardware Miniconf 2018

which seems to be the confirmation email; it's not clear if that just 
went to those who "made the cut" or if there was another to those on the 
waiting list to get in.  But possibly you want to go hunting for an 
email with that subject filtered away into a folder?

Given that the email talked about "Test and Tag" testing on electronics 
being required, and I'd guess it's a NSW/Australian test required, I'd 
be inclined to leave your soldering iron at home in NZ either way.  But 
maybe smaller tools that are easier to travel with might be worth packing?


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