[lca2018-chat] Sydney Tour for Speakers/attendees from Overseas, Sunday 21st of Jan

Dave Kempe dave at sol1.com.au
Sun Jan 14 10:20:37 AEDT 2018

Sol1 is keen to host a pretty informal tour of Sydney for speakers/attendees at LCA from out of town. 
Whoever is interested can join up along the way or just meet for dinner or whatever. 

If we get enough people, Sol1 will provide a van to drive people around. 

* 12pm Wildlife Tour at Darling Harbour 
* 3pm Harbour cruise or Bondi Beach visit 
* 6.30pm dinner at a city location 

Sol1 will contribute to the cost and Dave Kempe will run event. We already have a couple of people lined up, so we are looking for whoever else is in town to join us for any of the above events. 
The cost (and subsidy) will depend on the amount of people who take up the offer and what we all decide to do. 
So, if people can email dave at sol1.com.au if you are interested in attending, I can gather responses and make a little mailing list and get things organised. My mobile number is +61413022143 in case you need to contact me. 
I will most likely have the van for the whole of the Sunday , so I can even pick up people from the airport in the morning if that works out. 

Note, this is not an official LCA event, and is just me wanting to make people feel welcome. If we get too many people, we may have to decide based on who has travelled the furthest or something. 

So, if you are not sure what you were going to be doing on the Sunday, and are OK with hanging out with fellow geeks, please get in touch. 

	Dave Kempe 
Managing Director 
Support 	1300 765 122 
	[ mailto:support at sol1.com.au | support at sol1.com.au ] 
Direct 	02 8292 0520 
Mobile 	0413 022 143 
Web 	[ http://sol1.com.au/ | sol1.com.au ] 
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