[lca2018-chat] Open source 20th anniversary lunch, GDG Sydney, and GSoC BoF

Joshua R. Simmons i at joshuasimmons.name
Sat Jan 13 04:02:02 AEDT 2018

I seem to have stumbled into organizing a couple BoFs and a meetup the week
of LCA, and I thought I'd share them all so interested folks can pencil
them into their schedule :o)

*OSI 20th Anniversary Celebration
<https://wiki.linux.conf.au/wiki/OSI_20th_Anniversary_Celebration>, Tuesday
at lunch*

Join me, Molly de Blanc, Richard Fontana, Karen Sandler, and others for
lunch to kick off Open Source Initiative's 20th anniversary world tour. The
organization and the term "open source" are 20 years old this February!

*Google Summer of Code and Google Code-in
Thursday at lunch*

Stephanie Taylor and I are hosting a lunch BoF for past and present
participants of our student programs, and for folks who are interested in
learning more. Over the last 13 years more than 13,000 students have
contributed to over 600 open source projects as part of these programs.

*Let's Talk Open Source with GDG Sydney
<https://www.meetup.com/gdgsydney/events/246730692/>, Thursday evening
(RSVP required)*

Google Open Source is co-hosting an evening of food, drink, and lightning
talks at the Google office just 2-3km (20-30min) from the LCA venue. The
event will be focused on our student programs, but is all about welcoming
new contributors to FOSS and we're happy to talk about all things FOSS ^_^


@joshsimmons <http://twitter.com/joshsimmons> | bluesomewhere on Freenode
madeinsonoma.org | 1-707-277-1626 <(707)%20277-1626>

ad astra per aspera 🚀
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