[lca2018-announce] Farewell from LCA2018, Say hello to LCA2019

James Polley james at lca2018.org
Thu Jul 26 08:22:16 AEST 2018

We hope each and every one of you enjoyed the conference and left with
something of value to you. As the LCA2019 Christchurch team is ramping up
preparations for next year’s conference, we would like to take the
opportunity for a final wrap up and say a few thank yous.Videos

All of the presentations, tutorials and miniconfs are now online!

Linux Australia mirror (mp4 and webm):

Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/linuxconfau2018/featured
Raffle Charity - Code Club AU

We raised a grand total of just over $9000 during the week for Code Club AU.

We hope that you had a chance to talk to the Code Club AU team that were
onsite during the week and get a feel for what they do around the country
to try and introduce the next generation of people to building software.
Carbon Offsets

Due to your contributions we have offset a total of $925. This has been
forwarded to 15Trees <https://15trees.com.au/> and will see around 215
trees being planted.
Thank you to all the volunteers

This conference would not be possible each year without a long list of
people volunteering and contributing their time. From the core organising
team to the room monitors and AV staff during the week, all of us have
volunteered our time. This is what being a grassroots event is all about -
we are not out to make a profit for ourselves, we do this together because
we enjoy what we do and we want to make conferences like this happen.


The conference would not be possible to run at the price we do it for
without our sponsors.

IBM were once again a major sponsor, the only sponsor that has been around
for every single LCA.

LCA2018 would not have been possible without a huge amount of support from
UTS. As well as covering the venue hire costs, their staff provided their
time and expertise to help with everything from planning the logistics of
the event to making sure the wifi worked without a hitch.

This is the ITPA’s second year sponsoring the conference. As another
volunteer run organisation we are glad that they could be part of the
conference. The ITPA is offering free associate-level members for all LCA
attendees. For more information visit


Enjoyed watching the talks at LCA2018? Now it's your chance! Head to
https://linux.conf.au/call-for-papers/ to submit a proposal for a talk at
next year's conference. Be quick - talks must be submitted by the 30th July!
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